Export a Plate document to a file.
Version History
Show a diff of two different points in a Plate document's history.
Editable Voids
Nest editors in void nodes.
Rendering in iframes.
Hundreds Blocks
Rendering hundreds of blocks.
Hundreds Editors
Render hundreds of editors.
Preview Markdown
Decorate texts with markdown preview.
Server-side rendering.
AI Demo
AI menu with commands, streaming responses in a preview or directly into the editor.
Align Demo
Text alignment controls for blocks.
Autoformat Demo
Apply formatting automatically using shortcodes.
Basic Nodes Demo
Basic block elements and text marks.
Block Menu Demo
Block-level context menu with formatting options.
Block Selection Demo
Visual block selection with keyboard support.
Column Demo
Column layout.
Comments Demo
Adding and displaying comments within content.
Copilot Demo
Renders AI ghost text suggestions at the cursor position.
Cursor Overlay Demo
Visual indicator for cursor position within the editor.
Date Demo
Inline date elements with calendar selection interface.
Drag & Drop Demo
Implements draggable functionality for editor blocks, including drag handles and drop indicators.
Emoji Demo
Emoji insertion via toolbar or colon-triggered combobox.
Exit Break Demo
Exit a large block using a shortcut.
Find Replace Demo
Find and replace functionality in text.
Floating Toolbar Demo
Floating toolbar with text formatting and AI assistance options.
Font Demo
Color picker for text and background colors.
Horizontal Rule Demo
Horizontal lines for visually separating content sections.
Indent List Demo
Turn any block into a list item.
Line Height Demo
Line height adjustment controls.
Link Demo
Hyperlinks with toolbar insertion and URL pasting support.
List Demo
List creation and formatting.
Media Demo
Media embedding and management.
Mention Demo
Mention functionality for referencing users or entities.
Serializing CSV Demo
Copy paste from CSV to Slate.
Serializing Docx Demo
Copy paste from DOCX to Slate.
Serializing HTML Demo
Copy paste from HTML to Slate.
Serializing Markdown Demo
Copy paste from Markdown to Slate.
Single Line Demo
Restrict the editor to a single block.
Slash Command Demo
Slash command menu for quick insertion of various content types.
Soft Break Demo
Insert line breaks within a block of text without starting a new block.
Table Demo
Customizable tables with resizable columns and row merging options.
Table of Contents Demo
Dynamic TOC with in-document element for easy navigation.
Toggle Demo
Collapsible content blocks.