Node Components

AI Leaf

A text highlighter for AI-generated content.

Blockquote Element

A quote component for block quotes.

Code Block Element

A code block with syntax highlighting and language selection.

Code Leaf

An inline component for code snippets.

Code Line Element

A line component for code blocks.

Code Syntax Leaf

A syntax highlighting component for code blocks.

Column Element

A resizable column component for layout.

Column Group Element

A resizable column component for layout.

Comment Leaf

A text component for displaying comments with visual indicators.

Date Element

A date field component with calendar picker.

Emoji Input Element

An input component for emoji search and insertion.

Excalidraw Element

A drawing component powered by Excalidraw.

Heading Element

A heading with multiple level support.

Highlight Leaf

A text highlighter with customizable colors.

Horizontal Rule Element

A horizontal rule component with focus states.

Image Element

Image element with lazy loading, resizing capabilities, and optional caption.

Image Preview

A modal component for previewing and manipulating images.

Kbd Leaf

A component for styling keyboard shortcuts.

Link Element

A component for rendering hyperlinks with hover states.

List Element

A list element for ordered and unordered items.

Media Audio Element

An audio player component with caption support.

Media Embed Element

A component for embedded media content with resizing and caption support.

Media File Element

A file attachment component with download capability and caption.

Media Placeholder Element

A placeholder for media upload progress indication.

Media Video Element

A video player component with YouTube and file upload support.

Mention Element

A mention element with customizable prefix and label.

Mention Input Element

An input component for user mentions with autocomplete.

Paragraph Element

A paragraph block with background color support.

Search Highlight Leaf

A component that highlights search results in text.

Slash Input Element

A command input component for inserting various elements.

Table Cell Element

A table cell with resizable borders and selection.

Table Element

A table component with floating toolbar and border customization.

Table Row Element

A table row component with optional border hiding.

TOC Element

A table of contents component with links to document headings.

Todo List Element

A checkbox list element with interactive todo items.

Toggle Element

A collapsible component for toggling content visibility.


AI Menu

A menu for AI-powered content generation and insertion.

AI Toolbar Button

A toolbar button for accessing AI features.

Align Dropdown Menu

A dropdown menu for text alignment controls.

Block Context Menu

A context menu for block-level operations.

Block Selection

A visual overlay for selected blocks.

PDF Toolbar Button

A toolbar button to export editor content as PDF.


A text field for adding captions to media elements.

Color Dropdown Menu

A color picker with text and background color controls.

Comment Toolbar Button

A toolbar button for adding inline comments.

Comments Popover

A popover interface for managing comments and replies.

Cursor Overlay

A visual overlay for cursors and selections.


A drag handle for moving editor blocks.


A container for the editor content and styling.

Emoji Dropdown Menu

A dropdown menu for emoji selection and insertion.

Fixed Toolbar Buttons

A set of commonly used formatting buttons.

Fixed Toolbar

A fixed toolbar that stays at the top of the editor.

Floating Toolbar Buttons

A set of formatting buttons for the floating toolbar.

Floating Toolbar

A contextual toolbar that appears over selected text.

Ghost Text

A text suggestion system that displays AI-generated content after the cursor.

History Toolbar Button

Toolbar buttons for undo and redo operations.

Indent List Toolbar Button

A toolbar control for adjusting list indentation.

Indent Todo Marker

A checkbox marker for interactive todo lists.

Indent Todo Toolbar Button

A toolbar control for creating todo list items.

Indent Toolbar Button

A toolbar control for block indentation.

Inline Combobox

A combobox for inline suggestions.

Insert Dropdown Menu

A menu for inserting different types of blocks.

Line Height Dropdown Menu

A menu for controlling text line spacing.

Link Floating Toolbar

A floating interface for link editing.

Link Toolbar Button

A toolbar control for link management.

List Indent Toolbar Button

A toolbar control for indenting lists.

List Toolbar Button

A toolbar control for list creation and management.

Mark Toolbar Button

A toolbar control for basic text formatting.

Media Popover

A popover interface for media settings.

Media Toolbar Button

Toolbar button for inserting and managing media.

Media Upload Toast

Show toast notifications for media uploads.

Mode Dropdown Menu

A menu for switching between editor modes.

More Dropdown Menu

A menu for additional text formatting options.

Outdent Toolbar Button

A toolbar button for decreasing block indentation.


A text placeholder for empty editor blocks.

Plate Element

A base element with block selection support.


A resizable wrapper with resize handles.

Table Dropdown Menu

A menu for table manipulation and formatting.

Toggle Toolbar Button

A toolbar button for expanding and collapsing blocks.

Turn Into Dropdown Menu

A menu for converting between different block types.
